Pre-Event Checklists
Clock Sync Make sure that computer clock is synced to. Either use the windows clock tool and have it sync now or have any 3rd party app installed to sync clock to NTP server. See Time Sync section for more information.
Enough diskspace Make sure to have enough space left on your disk drives to accompany for your needs. Apps like photofinish or IDCam might consume a lot of disk space.
Windows Updates Make sure that no pending updates or restarts are scheduled to happen. Delay windows updates for the next couple of days in settings. If Windows Updates already due and waiting for a reboot finish those first.
During Event Checklists
Check for free disk space
Check for your backup system in place still works and produces valid, usable results in case it need be used
After Event Checklists
Backups Make backups of all applications and settings that have been used.
Last updated