
RaceResultExchange comes with a powerful template/scripting engine.

The procedure when processing a script is always the same:

  1. Fields from RR12 enclosed in square brackets are retrieved from RR12 (e.g. [LastName]) and replaced with the placeholder.

  2. The scripting engine runs and formats the output.

RR12 Fields

Standard fields (e.g. for timing point), User-defined fields or User-defined functions can be requested from RR12 by putting the variable name in square brackets. E.g. pulling the lastname from RR12 you need to write [LastName]. You can also write [GetStageResult(1)] to access a user-defined function. In case you want to use the value inside a script, you have to make sure to include string values with surrounded quotation marks like this {{ lastnameVariable = "[LastName]" }}.


Scripting is based on the powerful Scriban scripting language. You can find more information here:

  • Language Overview: Here

  • Built-in Functions: Here

Different than stated in the scriban docs, Race Result Exchange is not changing the casing of variables or functions. Even more, you can use string.ends_withor string.EndsWith, whereas the later is preferred as it means the declaration of the method is not touched.

The following script will output "Hello World":

{{ "Hello World" }}

The following script will modify the field from RR12 and pads it to 12 characters and center aligns it if need be. This is possible by using the | pipe character: The expression to the left is forwasrded to a function that is given by the name after the pipe. The forwarded argument will be the first in the function arguments list:

{{ "[LastName]" | TrimPad 12 "Center" }}

Without using piping, you can also use a traditional way of calling methods:

{{ TrimPad "[LastName]" 12 "Center" }}

Last updated