Last updated
Last updated
Photofinish.NET allows the direct upload of photofinish times into a RR12 timing point and the upload of ranks into a UDF for each participant.
Configuration is done in Config - Settings - RaceResult.
RR12 username or customer number
RR12 password for your account
Starting with version 1.0.83, you can also use an API key instead of username and password (e.g. in case you have 2FA enabled on your account)
Connection Mode
Offline when event file is checked out locally
Event ID
ID of the event you are working with
Timing Point
Name of the timing point photofinish times should be written into (usually not the ones with reads from decoder)
You can decide to either upload time of days or net times
Photofinish Rank Field Name
Name of the UDF to upload ranks into
Contest ID
Empty for all, otherwise specify a contest ID