Sync OptiC3
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OptiC3 needs to be synced after initial boot.
In case OptiC3 is not synced, you will receive several warning messages in the log view:
OptiC3 can be synced by either of the following methods:
Sync to an external impulse (e.g. from a timing device is synced to GPS)
Sync to a given TOD (manually enter a time of day and OptiC3 syncs onto that)
Sync to computer clock
Only syncing to an external timing device, that is synced to your other devices (usually most of the time this is GPS), can be considered official syncing. All other options may be enough for your type of sport, but can never be as accurate as syncing to an external device.
You can see the OptiC3's current time of day by either looking in the top left corner of the Camera Live view or at the bottom right corner of the main window.
All syncing options can be set in the Camera Settings view -> Timing tab.
Click the button Sync to computer clock and the camera will sync to your computer's time. The text will go from "Opti is not synced" to "Opti is synced to computer" given the time of sync.
Click the button Sync to given time of day, enter a time of day the camera should be synced to, and when hitting Enter or clicking OK the camera will be synced.
In order to sync to an external impulse, the OptiC3 needs to be told to expect the next impulse at a certain time of day. The impulse then has to be sent to the OptiC3 via the green/black C0 inputs at that given time.
The workflow for this is as follows:
Connect external timing device to C0 (green/black)
Read a time of day for the next impulse off the timing device (usually best is to wait until a full minute passed and then enter the time of day for the next full minute) and enter it after clicking the Sync to next impulse button
Send the impulse at the next full minute as entered
Once the camera is waiting for an external impulse, you need to finish it. So you always have to send an impulse in, otherwise it will not send any other timestamps or be able to sync to computer.
Best practice is to first sync the camera to a random time of day in the future. This way you see the camera is totally off.
Then you sync the camera to the next impulse and you see the time is now good.
In order to really make sure the time is good, wait for the next impulse after sync impulse (called Sync+1). The time you see in the log should be exactly one minute after the sync time. If there is a difference redo the sync.