Display Blank

This script displays just blank digits on board A:

    mled.CreateProtocol "        " 1 "Dark"

Display Clock

This script display the current time of day:

    time = Clock
    timestring = time | FormatRaceResult "HH:mm:ss"
    timestring= timestring | TrimPad 8 "Center"
    color = "Blue"

    line= (mled.Color color) + timestring
    mled.CreateProtocol line 1 "Bright"

Display Clock, Countdown or Runtime depending on Reference Time

This script will display different information depending on the reference time:

  • If reference time is not set it will show the current time of day

  • If reference time is in the future it will show the countdown

  • If reference time is in ther past it will show the runtime

    if ReferenceTime == null
        # No reference time set
        time = Clock
        timestring = time | FormatRaceResult "HH:mm:ss"
        color = "Blue"
    else if Runtime && Runtime.TotalSeconds > 0
        # After Start
        time = Runtime
        timestring = time | FormatRaceResult "HH:mm:ss"
        color = "White"
        # Before Start
        time = Countdown
        timestring = time | FormatRaceResult "HH:mm:ss"
        color = "Purple"
    timestring= timestring | TrimPad 8 "Right"
    timestring= (mled.Color color) + (timestring| TrimPad 8 "Center")
    mled.CreateProtocol timestring 1 "Dark"

Display Two Lines of Text

This script will display two lines of maximum 16 charaters.

    line1 = "Herzlich"
    line2 = "Willkommen" 
    line1 = line1 | TrimPad 16 "Center"
     line2 = line2 | TrimPad 16 "Center"
    mled.CreateProtocol line1 2 "Bright"
    mled.CreateProtocol line2 3 "Bright"

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