Settings & Configs

IDCamPro works with global (computer wide) settings and local (loadable) configs.


Configs are loadable environments that hold the following settings:

  • Cameras

  • Timing systems

  • RACE RESULT integration

  • Other, undocumented settings

Configs can be loaded and stored away for future use. E.g. you can have a config for cross-country events and running events in case you use different cameras or timing systems for these events.

Config settings can be accessed via Config - Settings. Config files are plain JSON files having a .IDCamProConfig extension.

Global Settings

These usually do not need to be changed and contain the following settings:

  • Theme (dark, light, off)

  • Prevent system from sleep when app is active

  • Many other, usually undocumented settings

Global settings can be accessed via ? - Extended Settings. The single setting file is a plain JSON called Settings.json.


You can access the folder containing the global settings file and - usually - also the competitions themselves and config files by clicvking on ? - Open Settings Folder

Location: %localappdata%\dbnetsoft\IDCamPro

Last updated